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疫情之後,整個地方翻天覆地的改了,大部份人開始了新的生活,我亦不例外。媒體製作市場變得混沌,十多年來都在為別人的品牌或品推廣,在這歷史奇點中像是來了一個機會,何不推廣自己?於是便毅然走上創作的旅程,把這些年來學到的製作技巧投入自己最喜愛的地方, 在山裏面。




“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." 
John Muir  


After the pandemic, things changed entirely. Most of us had started new life, including myself. The market of media production became chaotic, that I had been help promoting brands and products for more than 10 years, why not myself? As it looks like a chance for changes in this special singularity of history. So I started the journey of creating my art. I gather everything I learned from production and put them into things I love most, the Mountain. 

When I slowly walks deep into the Mountain, Mountain responses.

Simplicity, Purity and Focus are the precious treasures that I received from Nature; and It's such a  pleasure taking  responsibility to deliver message from the Nature. This connection keeps me alive, and becomes the fuel to enlighten my soul. And the journey goes on.


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