Price: $380
Color: White
Size: S / M / L / XL
來自電影”發夢王大冒險 “(2013)的一句對白。主角 Walter 千辛萬苦終於找到傳奇攝影師 Sean,而在拍攝雪豹的過程中,他遲遲沒有按下快門,Walter問Sean什麼時候會按,Sean 回應:“SOMETIMES I DON’T” 。因為有時他只想完完全全地感受當下,快門變成了一種妨礙。
這句說話對每個攝影師應該都有深刻的共鳴,每次在山裡遇上好的時刻,都會忙於操作相機,光圈快門構圖等等,而忘記與大自然溝通,連結的當下,這種 當下的感受往往比拍攝一張照片更深刻的刻在腦中。大自然每一刻都在和我們溝通,分享它的智慧,只是我們似乎每一刻都有自己的安排。
除了這句對白,這齣戲還有一個重要訊息,就是”Step Out”,跨出舒適圈,以勇氣面對自己想做而又不敢去做的,一步一步將夢變成現實。自2013年影響至今,出走,流浪,體驗生命,實踐冒險的精神,看見不一樣的世界。來到今天,野狗似乎又走上Sean 的攝影路,記錄香港這個家的景致。
於是亦萌生製作這件T恤的想法,希望能夠為這套電影致敬,將裏面讓人啟發的訊息繼續承傳下去。當年在這套電影埋下的種子發芽了,慢慢變成果實,果實的種子又會被帶到不同的地方,生生不息。感謝Ben 的這套電影。未看的盡快看,看過的也要不時重看,為靈魂不斷注入冒險的原動力。
A dialogue from the movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (2013). Leading character Walter finally found the legendary photographer Sean after all the hard work. While shooting the snow leopard, Sean didn't press the shutter but just watching; Walter asked when he would press the shutter , Sean responded: "SOMETIMES I DON'T", because sometimes he doesn't like to be distracted by the camera, but to be in the moment.
Photographers could have deep feeling about this dialogue. Every time having a great view or moment in the mountain, it is always busy operating the camera, aperture, shutter, or composition, etc., and forget to communicate and connect with Nature. The feeling of a moment always mark deeper in our heart, than taking a photo. Nature is communicating and sharing its information and wisdom with us every moment, and we seem to be too busy for our own agenda.
There is more treasure in the movie beside the dialogue, it inspired us to "Step Out" of our comfort zone, to face our life with courage, to turn our dreams into reality step by step. Since 2013, the influence has persisted, embarking on a journey, wandering, experiencing life, embracing the spirit of adventure, and seeing a different world. And today, it seems that WILDOG is following photography path of Sean did, to record the great scenery of our home, Hong Kong.
So, the idea of making this T-shirt came up, hope to pay tribute to this movie and continue to pass on the inspiring message inside. The seeds planted in this movie have sprouted and slowly turned into fruits, its seed will then be carried to different places and this cycle continue. Thanks Ben for the great movies. Please watch this movie if you haven’t, or watch again if you had; refill your soul with spirit of adventure.
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HK$380.00 Regular Price
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